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Woman in our country are bound by a lot of restrictions. People judge them by the way they dress which should not happen. Fashion is something which expresses one's self, it reflects who you are. But a lot of times due to society, peer pressure or self consciousness, we don’t dress the way we really want to. With this brand I want to encourage people to love themselves the way they are and wear the clothes they love. Woman should have the freedom to freely wear what they want to. I wish to create awareness about self love amongst woman. I wish to boost the self esteem of women and make them feel confident with themselves.

Fashion can be attributed to feminism in a multitude of ways.

Clothing is a form of expression, a way in which women choose to communicate with the world. It is often printed with feminist quotes and marketed as a product to empower women. It’s also a female dominated industry, with the majority of garment workers, globally, being women.



Elan means distinctive and stylish which is very suitable with the brand idea. The tagline of my brand is 'You are your clothes' since it is all about self love for women.

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The logo is a combination of lily and feminist symbol. Lilies are a royal flower that symbolizes purity and refined beauty. The feminist symbol is the astronomical and astrological symbol of the planet Venus, also known as symbol of the Roman goddess Venus, and the clenched fist, symbol of 1960's and early 1970's "power" movements.

Brand Manual

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Fashion is more than just the garment. Each individual or group’s personal style is a form of empowerment; clothes are as much a personal preference of style, colour, and shape as they are an armour and a protective layer. Fashion has historically been used as a vehicle for soft power, cultural diplomacy, for communication of identity.


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Not everyone considers fashion as a feminist industry, many find it superficial and vain.

What most people are not aware of is, the most iconic, fashion forward creations and trends have also empowered women. Like every industry, fashion too, has its flaws. However, fashion has been an ally to women and the LGBTQ community over many others.

Social Media

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